Traditionally, Apple has always held their launch events on Wednesdays, while making them available on Fridays. So, if the rumors are true, it will be a break in the tradition, as October 23rd is a Tuesday. There have been varied rumors and leaks surrounding the iPad mini, the major ones being, a 7.85-inch ‘non-retina’ display and the new Apple Lightening connector. AllThingsD has usually been on target with their Apple related rumors in the past, and except for the Tuesday bit, there is not much to doubt them with this rumor as well. If at all Apple manages to announce their mini iPad on October 23rd, there is every chance that they will be able to spoil Microsoft’s party on October 26th, where they are expected to (re)launch the Surface tablet along with Windows 8 OS. Update: Jim Dalrymple, the go-to-guy for Apple related rumor confirmations has just confirmed the iPad mini event for October 23rd! Update 2: Apple has sent out press invitation to their event on October 23 that will be taking place at 10am Pacific Time at the California Theater in San Jose. I don’t know about you, but I’m very sure they are going to unveil the iPad Mini there. Way too many leaks and rumors, as we’ve told you before. Let’s see if the iPad Mini manages to stay cheap and impressive.

iPad Mini Launch Pegged for 23rd October  Update  - 63