iOS 5.1 Features

As it was reveiled during the event, we’ve got good news for Siri lovers in Japan, as it seems the engineers at Apple have managed to teach Siri Japanese. If you ask me, I can’t wait for the moment when Siri will know all the languages for the countries where it’s going to be available. Apple should really emphasize that aspect, as it would really boost their already incredible sales records.

A very needed feature and one that always appeals to users is the battery life improvement. Let’s hope they don’t increase it by 0.1-0.5% and claim that as a battery improvement! Besides that, with iOS 5.1, you will be able to delete photos from the Photo Stream and you will have  a permanent camera icon on the locksreen. Those of you that prefer to stay with the iOS 5, you have the download links here, as well. See below the entire list of main updates:

Added Japanese language for Siri New Mail Keyboard Improvement in battery life (albeit some would say oterhwise) Improved Stock Notes App Ability to delete photos from Photo Stream Shortcut for Camera always visible on locksreen Face Detection highlights all the found faces Camera app for iPad redesigned Issue with drop calls fixed AT&T network indicator updated iTunes Match subscribers get Genius Mixes and Genius playlists  Sound for TV shows and movies on iPad is louder and clearer Volume Glitch Fixed with Siri Download Speeds to Increase with iPhone 4S (rumor)

Direct Download iOS 5.1 IPSW Files

Find below the direct download links, we will add more download links for iOS 5.1 as they will become available. It would be a good idea, as well, to get iTunes 10.6. Download iOS 5.1 for iPhone 3GS Download iOS 5.1 for iPhone 4(GSM)  Download iOS 5.1 for iPhone 4 (CDMA) Download iOS 5.1 for Phone 4S Download iOS 5.1 for iPad 1 Download iOS 5.1 for iPad 2 Wi-Fi Download iOS 5.1 for iPad 2 3G Download iOS 5.1 for iPod Touch 3G Download iOS 5.1 for iPod Touch 4G Download iOS5.1 for The New iPad (Wi-Fi) Download iOS5.1 for The New iPad (GSM) Download iOS5.1 for The New iPad (CDMA) Before installing iOS 5.1, be careful and follow the advices enlisted here. Unlockers should stay away from the firmware download links to iOS 5.1.

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