Steam is a digital distribution, digital rights management, multi-player and communications platform developed by Valve Corporation, and has been widely used to distribute a wide range of games and related media entirely over the internet. The network gained more widespread use after the release of Half-Life 2 in 2004, which was intrinsically integrated into the system. Steam has since expanded as other major publishers, including Eidos Interactive, Activision, Ubisoft and Electronic Arts began distributing a number of their titles over the system. A substantial number of independent titles have also been released, along with several modifications for Valve’s own games. Nearly 1000 games is now available for purchase, download and play on Steam. Not all the games available on Steam are Free. Steam platform is basically meant for sales and selling, but still some games are available for free download which you can play anytime. These free games is not just an demo, but full version games with no limitation or restriction. The free full version games on Steam does not require a serial number, license key or product registration information to activate or unlock.

List of Free Steam Games Available

Before we check on the available free games, you need to download and install steam client, since the installable are proprietary of Steam. Download and install Steam: SteamInstall.msi Free Steam Games for AMD ATI (Radeon) Graphic Card Users: [Install] [Storefront]

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

Free Steam Games For Nvidia (GeForce) Graphic Card Users: [Install] [Storefront]

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Portal: First Slice (Demo) [Install] [Storefront]

Free Games for All Steam Users

America’s Army 3 [Install] [Storefront] BattleForge [Install] [Storefront] Between [Install] [Storefront] Codename Gordon [Install] COIL [Install] [Storefront] Mightier [Install] [Storefront] Peggle Extreme [Install] [Storefront] Sam & Max: Episode 4 [Install] [Storefront] TrackMania Nations Forever [Install] [Storefront]

Free Steam MOD Games for Owners of Any Source (HL2) Engine Game with Source SDK

Age of Chivalry [Install] [Storefront] D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up [Install] [Storefront] Darkest Hour [Install] [Storefront] Dystopia [Install] [Storefront] Eternal Silence [Install] [Storefront] INSURGENCY [Install] [Storefront] Mare Nostrum [Install] [Storefront] Smashball [Install] [Storefront] Synergy [Install] [Storefront] Zombie Panic! Source [Install] [Storefront]

Free Addons and Resources for Already Purchased Games

Counter-Strike Steamworks Beta Access (requires Counter-Strike) [Install] High Definition (HD) Models (requires Half-Life) [Install] [Uninstall] Andy Priaulx Crowne Plaza Raceway (requires RACE 07 [Install] [Storefront]

Of course, there are also tons of free games demo on Steam. [via]MDL

Download and Play Full Version Games for Free via Steam - 10