This is how Cloak‘s selling line sounds like – “Avoid exes, co-workers, that guy who likes to stop and chat – anyone you’d rather not run into”. To put it in other words, it uses social check-ins and other geo-location information to help you avoid people you would prefer not bump into. Cloak ‘scrapes’ Instagram and Foursquare for locations, but more social networks will be added with a future release. Also, at the moment the application is only available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users. Of course, the application is built on the premise that we live in a incredibly dense and agglomerated environment where a huge number of people keeps tagging their location wherever they are. This idea is a little bit preposterous, but I’m sure you have at least some friends or acquaintances who are like that. But judging from the positive reviews it’s been getting, it seems that the apps has found to be really useful: The app is the creation of programmer Brian Moore and former Buzzfeed creative director Chris Baker. Moore is known for multiple projects, one of the most recent being the Unicef Tap project where ff you literally put your smartphone down on a flat surface for 10 minutes, corporate sponsors would donate money to be used towards water, sanitation and hygiene programs. Baker has recently developed  a start-up called Rather, which gets rid “of the stuff you hate on Twitter and Facebook.” And their common project seems to be both creative and funny. What’s your take on this?

Cloak is a Antisocial Network that Helps Avoid People - 43